I am a busy girl. (I
know, I know, you’re tired of hearing me and other people you know constantly
complain about being busy. But bear with
me for a minute because we are going to work through it and get to the good
Ok, where was I? Ah
yes, the busy.
This is a pretty accurate representation of my calendar |
I am a busy girl.
Over the past year I have added so many responsibilities to my life that
it got a bit out-of-hand. Working
full-time, working over-time, opening a small bookshop with Wunder Hubs,
parenting the Kiddo, joining with other Downtown Topeka businesses to form an
advertising coop, contributing to a local magazine, school full-time, and a
seemingly constant line of family members in the hospital. It got to the point where I had to give up
hours of sleep to ensure I would get everything done on time. And I did, but the cost I paid was my own
health and stress level.
Then along came my surgery.
Was I nervous? Maybe, but in the
weeks leading up to it I was more focused on the things I needed to take care
of before going under. Right down to the
night before I was working on this and that.
The morning of the surgery I got up, rode in the car with my Hubs, and
went into the hospital. The usual things
happened next, change into the ever so fashionable gown, put on a rockin’ hair
net thing, score some of the most coveted hospital socks, get an IV put in and it’s
time to go. Then came the moment I had
been waiting for, the one I had been dreaming about, fast and deep sleep. The wave came over me so quickly, it was like
tingly magic and I welcomed it.
Aww yiss... Mutha. F*#&in' Rest |
I spent one night in the hospital with my Wunder Hubs never
leaving my side. Came home and slept for
two days on the couch. Grandma Nelda and
my Aunts regularly checked in on me and made sure I was doing ok. Then for the next two weeks I mostly lay on
my couch, watched Netflix, and played Minecraft. It was great!
Our kitten curled up with me and the corgi was always close by. I watched the fall rains come down, watched
the sun come up, and enjoyed time with my family. The whole time I did not worry about a single
project, no deadlines, even my instructor let me take it easy in school for a
couple of weeks. I was in this wonderful
limbo of relaxation and Maury Povich at 2:00pm.
(You ARE the father! You are NOT
the father! WOOOO *Backflips*)
Daytime Television at it's finest |
The first day I started to ease back into things I was a
mess. I had a client who needed graphic
design and social media work pronto, the coop needed the same and quickly, the
bookshop needed help with some things, and school hit in full swing. I was stressed out, so much so that I
could not focus on my work; I kept fidgeting and going back and forth from one
project to another. I stressed from the
time I opened my email until the time I finished with the last project around
11:00pm that night.
I know! Cloning is a swell idea! |
This was a huge wakeup call for me. Why was I getting so worked up about all of
this? Yes I have a lot to work on, but I
am capable of doing each of these jobs.
All I am gaining by stressing out so much over every little thing is
misery. I am miserable, my family is
miserable, and I am certain even my pets are unhappy with this cycle of
drama. I decided the next day that I am
going to do my best to just calm down, get the work done and go on with my
day. It’s been a month since I made that
decision and life is so much easier. I
am not constantly watching for the sky to fall, instead I am enjoying the
ride. You see I am involved with some of
the coolest things! And a year ago I
would have never imagined that I would be doing the work I am doing now. It’s just great and I am so appreciative to
be a part of all of it.
For the curious, here are some of the things I am a part of:
Get Downtown Topeka – A collaboration of business owners in
Downtown Topeka, we share sales, news and more!
Downtown Topeka Inc. – We are members of DTI and I have been
working with them on the Norman the Nutcracker campaign. It has been a blast!
Berberich Trahan & Co. – I have moved from receptionist
to marketing consultant with BT&Co. in the last year. I work with various clients to help them
utilize online marketing as well as create promotional materials for the
firm. Basically I have the best job in
the world!
Seveneightfive Magazine – One of the coolest publications
around! I get to write for the magazine
from time-to-time as well as some fun graphic work. Currently I am working on the cover for the
next issue, so exciting!
The Topeka History Geeks – My pet project that has grown
into a local movement. It is a group on
Facebook where people share and discuss local historical topics. Yesterday the group reached 4,000 members!
Just look at that handsome kid! |
Parent to the best kid in the world – Lastly, I want to
mention how proud I am of my kiddo.
While I have been going on about things in my life, he has been dealing
with his own struggles and successes.
His dad moved to California over a year ago and that was pretty tuff on
him. But he has bounced back and is
happier than ever. He still talks to his
dad online and plays video games with him once a week. Wunder Hubs and Kiddo have been bonding more
than ever and are quickly becoming a team that likes to gang up on Mom (Meh, I’m
ok with it). He has been learning guitar
since he was around five or six years old.
Now he has taken up cello and is killing it. The boy has the most outstanding talent for
music and he makes me so proud every time I hear him practice. He has been so patient while I work at home
on weekends, every time I apologize to him for taking so long he says “MOM,
Stop worrying! I’m FINE”. So kiddo, I have taken your advice, I have
stopped worrying. And you know
what? I’m fine too.